On Tuesday, I was having one of those days. Work was insane and I felt like I was on a treadmill running from one meeting to another with no time to breathe.
One of my co-workers was giving an inspirational speech called "Get Up. A Story of Hope Through Adversity" to students, faculty and staff at Mercy College. I really wanted to hear him talk but I just wasn't sure how I was going to fit it in. I thought about skipping it so I can take a few minutes to catch up, but then decided to run over. I was 15 minutes late but it didn't matter.
In moments, I was captivated by Andy's story. Dottie Person was diagnosed with melanoma during her eighth month of pregnancy in February, 2006. Jack, was born safe and sound and is the youngest of Dottie's five beautiful children. Dottie died on April 2, 2007 at age 32. She died as an inspiration of faith, hope, and love.
Andy's story is heartbreaking. He found a soulmate, built a life with her, and lost her so quickly. Yet anyone who has ever met Andy can see this light- this tangible quality that is all together amazing. He's one of the most positive people I have ever met. Period.
In Andy's talk, he said that in every moment when something happens to us- big or small - there is a moment, a space, when decide our response. He said when everything is taken away or everything changes, we have that one moment to decide how we will respond to whatever is thrown at us. We can respond with fear, anger and jealousy or, we can choose to respond with love.
I wasn't able to watch all of Andy's presentation, but I caught enough to make me stop and think - stop running for a minute. LISTEN. There are people all around us in our lives who can inspire us if we only take a moment to really see them. People we work with, live with, give birth to, attend college with, etc. These people are gifts.
There was a reason that I heard Andy's words on that particular day when everything seemed like a whirlwind. Andy opened up a door for me and reminded me that I am so blessed to have the life I do, and the people around me whom I love so very much. I cannot take any of it for granted - even on the worst of days.
Thank you, Andy.
For anyone interested in Andy and Dottie's story, please visit: The Caring Bridge
Pass it on. It's the least we can do.
Thanks Baker...I needed to read that story today.
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